Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup - Day 3

6/11/2006: Netherlands 1 – Serbia/Montenegro 0 (Group C)

There were questions coming into the tournament if the Dutch were too young to be called favorites. One also wondered who was the real leader of the team: Van Nisterloy, vanderVart, Robben. In this first game against a very tough opponent, the Chelsea winger scored on a breakaway with a clinical finish in the 18th minute. He also had a very good shot that went barely wide in the 37th minute. In the first half, he scorched Serbia with his incredible pace and control. There are rumors that’s some of the Dutch players are unhappy with his “ball-hogging” . Although I admit I didn’t watch this game enough to be a judge, what I did see in the first 30 minutes was a beautiful exhibition of fast-flowing, precise-passing, dynamic football from the nation that invented “Total Football” . Critics of Robben notwithstanding, could this be a re-invented team from the old Dutch tradition. They are led by that country’s second best footballer ever, Marco van Basten so maybe so. Playing without many who argue is their best striker, Rafael vander Vaart, the Dutch won a key game in the Group of Death and as far as I’m concerned that’s all that counts here. But the Dutch have a way of self-imploding as they did when their internal bickering did them in the 1996 European Cup so this could be a red flag for the team.

Additional notes:
ESPN coined this performance “totally” Robben.

6/11/2006: Mexico 3 – Iran 1 (Group D)

Only watched the second half of this game and when I saw that it was tied at 1-1 at half, I began to worry for the Mexican team. At the 70th minute, I’m sure all Mexicans felt the same.. Although outplaying the Iranians the entire second half, Mexico had nothing to show for it. Their precise-passing short game worked to perfection but their crosses from the wings were not precise enough, especially after losing Borgetti early in the second half to injury.

Then, in a matter of a couple of minutes, it all changed, just like magic. Iran, who had played mistake free football, made not one but two costly mistakes in their half in the 75th minute. First the goalie made a low clearance that was intercepted. After gaining possession again, Iran’s defender again gave up the ball to Mexico’s Pardo, who slotted a perfect through ball for Omar Bravo who then beat Iran’s keeper low to the right. Mexico finally had the goal they had so boldly chased all half. A scant four minutes later, the Mexican’s superior ball control and passing was on display as they broke down the middle, then a pass to the right wing. The cross this team was right on the money for Zinha to head home perfectly into the corner of the goal.

Mexico was rewarded for their superior football and Iran paid for their over defensive style. It could have easily been a tie for Mexico, which would have been disastrous for a team which has just gone through a tragedy after the death of Oswaldo Sanchez’s father days before the Cup began. Instead Mexico wins a World Cup opener for the 6th straight time and do not disappoint.


Mexico resolvio un partido que hasta el minuto 70 le parecia muy dificil. Aunque domino el partido completamente contra un equipo Irani convencido del empate, Mexico con su major futbol pudo romper la barrera Irani a los 75 despues de no uno pero 2 errores de la zaga de Iran. Omar Bravo fuel el autor despues de muy buen pase de Pardo. Cuatro minutos despues, de resultado de una jugada muy bien hilvanada por el medio con pase a la zaga derecha y despues de un centro certero por fin, llego Zinha a cabezear la pelota a la esquina y vencer al portero de nuevo. En el espacio de 4 minutos, el Tricolor fue recompensado por su major futbol, major esfuerzo y trabajo. Un muy buen resultado para Mexico en un grupo donde se espera que no sea tan dificil ganar uno de los primeros 2 lugares.

6/11/2006: Portugal 1 – Angola 0 (Group D)

Portugal le gano por 1-0 a Angola en un partido duro, aspero, y donde ambos equipos demostraror muy buen futbol. Portugal, uno de los favoritos de esta copa por lo menos en papel, consiguio el resultado despues de estancarse un poco en el segundo tiempo. Nos tenemos que preguntar porque Scolari saco a Cristiano Ronaldo en el minuto 60 pues en el primer tiempo tuvo 5 remates a la porteria y lucia bien. Un gol trabajado por el Viejo maestro Figo le basto al equipo Portuges para superar

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